In Life…

So, after many years I decided to finally give blogging a try. It seems odd to me that someone (you) are a random person who wants to read about my life but I suppose that after I finish this entry I’ll poke around other people’s blogs for a bit and maybe even follow a couple.

I am creating this blog because while I’ve tried keeping journals and diaries and what not they never seemed interactive enough. I like pictures and instructions and crafts (I am an avid Pinner!) so it seems to me that a blog is where I belong.  I want this blog to serve as a reminder of just how awesome life is. I get caught up in where I am going, where I have been and the future but i tend to ignore the here-and-now. Hopefully, this blog will help to pull me into the present. I intend to at least post everyday and hopefully there will be a photo to accompany my post!

So far, my hobbies have revolved around cooking and baking but my new hobby is photography! As of right now I will become one of those smartphone photographers the commercial for “the phone that put the camera first” is talking about and hopefully within a year I’ll have a real camera.

I chose the name Elliemay En La Vie because it seems to me that by reading this, you are getting a chance to peek in to the window of my life.

So for now I am waving at you from my window and hopefully tomorrow you will pass by again for a glimpse…